02 July 2014

iNet: KTB Manifesto on PNoy's wrongdoings

Kilusan ng mga Tagapagtanggol ng Bayan

Your boss is someone else -- not we the people!
Your path is crooked -- not straight!
Get out!

PNoy’s Wrongdoings

First: unconcern for the hopes and grievances of the common people and coddling of the worthless and corrupt officials who are his political allies

Second: tolerating and spearheading corruption

Third: huge misuse of government funds through DAP, Malampaya Fund, and others

Fourth: suppression of democratic rights and promotion of his own dictatorship

Fifth: being a conspirator and leader in electoral sabotage

When Mr. Benigno Simeon Aquino III, also known as PNoy, became President in 2010, he proclaimed that the Filipino people will be his boss. Proudly he also said that he will lead government in journeying on the straight or righteous path (daang matuwid).

However, four years into PNoy’s term, we see something very different.

It turns out that PNoy's boss is not the Filipino people after all, but rather his family, his friends, his party-mates and allies, which include some of the wealthiest persons in the country.

It is now very clear that PNoy's straight path is only a sham, and the more accurate description of his management of the country is a "crooked path."

Here are only five of the many proofs that PNoy's boss is not the Filipino people, and that his path is a crooked path.

First: unconcern for the hopes and grievances of the common people and coddling of the worthless and corrupt officials who are his political allies

PNoy has turned his back on his duty to foster the welfare of the Filipino people and to bring to reality the hope of the citizenry to enjoy adequate employment and a reasonably prosperous life.

PNoy never attempted to destroy the roots of poverty of the majority in the Philip- pine society. These roots are the unjust economic and political systems and the prevalent government corruption.

Instead, he has allowed the unprecedented price increases of prime commodities and services, such as rice and other foodstuff, water, electricity, fuel, and transportation. At the same time, he has turned a blind eye to the shrinking purchasing power of the earn- ings of farmers, fisherfolk, workers, employees, soldiers, police officers, and ordinary pro- fessions and businesspersons. He has become insensitive to the deteriorating conditions that the people have to bear in their work and business.

Second: tolerating and spearheading corruption

It is characteristic of PNoy's governance to indulge the corruption of his relatives, friends, cronies, party-mates and allies.

Corruption at the Bureau of Customs continues unabated, and so does the smug- gling of rice, sugar, office and household appliances, electronic gadgets, oil, black sand and other minerals, and other merchandise. In this grave situation PNoy remains reluctant to investigate and prosecute known smugglers, especially those who are his allies.

Jueteng and other illegal forms of gambling persist, and the disgusted public has become aware of the fierce infighting among relatives and allies of PNoy for control of these highly lucrative illegal activities.

Third: huge misuse of government funds through DAP, Malampaya Fund, and others

Violating the law and public morality, PNoy permitted the transfer of huge amounts of government funds through the anomalous Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP), without the knowledge of Congress, unauthorized by law, and without public accounting as to where and how such funds were used.

Part of this was the illegal allocation of government funds to augment the “pork barrel” of Senators, Representatives, and other government officials, in order to obtain their political cooperation.

It has also come to the knowledge of the public that there were illegal disbursements of the Malampaya Fund on projects that were not energy-related, but instead aimed at advancing the political interests of PNoy and his yellow party and allies.

Fourth: suppression of democratic rights and promotion of his own dictatorship

PNoy and his allies are very actively moving, through a combination of bribes and threats, to control the two houses of Congress, the COMELEC, and the Commission on Appointments, the Ombudsman, and other government institutions. PNoy used this control to destroy democracy and the rule of law, through pursuing his own personal wishes even if these are against the law, and to persecute and cruelly torment his political opponents.

Even the promotion of the officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police are being manipulated by PNoy and his party-mates to be under the control of the leaders of the yellow political party of Pnoy.

Through these dictatorial measures PNoy and his party mates and allies are trying to perpetuate their hold on state power beyond the next election scheduled in May 2016.

Fifth: being a conspirator and leader in electoral sabotage

In 2010, COMELEC committed horrendous violations of the election law, amounting to electoral sabotage. In a direct violation of Article 40 of Republic Act 9369 (Election Automation Law), COMELEC instructed the members of the Board of Election Inspectors (BEI) not to affix their bar-code – like digital signatures to the electronic election returns that were to be eventually transmitted by the Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines. This instruction of COMELEC facilitated the intentional receiving of very many bogus transmissions by the Canvassing and Consolidation Servers (CCS) in the municipalities and cities. This cunning technology for cheating was sold by its mastermind to some politicians. Through this method, the number of alleged votes for PNoy for President was augmented, together with those of other politicians who took advantage of such a method of cheating.

In the face of this unfortunate event, PNoy remained silent simply because he benefitted from the cheating that occurred in 2010. This is his so-called straight path.

In 2013, COMELEC officials repeated the above described violation of the law in order to rake in ill-gotten money through the peddling of the technology for cheating. In 2013, through the connivance of PNoy and COMELEC, electoral sabotage was once again committed in order to make it appear that the chosen candidates of the administration won the election.

This is the so-called straight path of PNoy. It is very clear that he is not only an abettor of corruption and cheating, but is also corrupt and a cheater himself, while at the same time being a hypocrite and a pretender.

Fellow citizens, let us help each other save our Motherland, the Philippines, which has fallen into such misery because of the corruption and cheating of this pretentious yellow ruler and his allies.


Let us put an end to this miserable situation!
Let us oust the yellow ruling pretender -- immediately!
Let the people take over -- now is the time!

Metro Manila
1 June A.D. 2014 / 3 Sha’aban A.H. 1435

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