18 September 2021

They teach about martial law of Marcos, but not about Plaza Miranda bombing, Joma & Ninoy, nor about China supplying arms to NPA

"They would teach about martial law declared by the Marcos administration in September 1972, as a mere ploy to extend their terms in office, citing the arrest and detention of many political personalities.  However, they would not teach about the Plaza Miranda bombing that terrorized and killed innocents in August 1971, that was initially blamed on Mr. Marcos but later pointed at the CPP-NPA under Jose Maria Sison, in likely collaboration with Mr. Ninoy Aquino, the presumptive presidential candidate of the Liberal Party.  They also would not teach about the supply of arms by the Peoples’ Republic of China to the CPP-NPA, shown by the MV Karagatan incident in July 1972,  and the widespread communist insurgencies in Southeast Asia at the time, where practically all neighboring countries were under martial law."

The Miseducation of the People's Power Generation

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