30 March 2013

4 POINTS 4 PCOS (13 May '13)

The PCOS based AES cannot be trusted to secure the “sanctity of the ballot” for the elections on 13 May 2013, because the COMELEC continues to fail to restore the three (3) main safeguards for the integrity of the system – namely:

1. the digital signatures of the members of the Board of Elections Inspectors (BEI) and Board of Canvassers (BOC) to authenticate the election returns and certificates of canvass transmitted electronically,

2. the ballot verification utilizing ultraviolet lamps to detect and reject fake ballots,

3. the vote verification to give each voter presumptive assurance that his votes were recorded in the memory of the PCOS machine.

Furthermore, the COMELEC has rendered the RMA useless by pre-selecting and disclosing the precincts to be audited several days before the elections.


During the May 2010 elections, the COMELEC ordered all the BEI nationwide NOT TO USE their DIGITAL SIGNATURES in the wireless transmission of electronic election returns generated by the PCOS machine.[i] This left all the electronic election returns unauthenticated.

The disablement of the digital signatures constitutes a gross violation of the automated election law which clearly and expressly mandates that the “election returns transmitted electronically” must be “digitally signed” in order to be “considered as official election results” and “used as the basis for the canvassing of votes and the proclamation of a candidate.”[ii]

For the May 2013 elections, the COMELEC has again ordered all the BEI nationwide NOT TO USE their DIGITAL SIGNATURES to authenticate the wireless transmission of electronic election returns.[iii]
Again, this will leave all electronic election returns unauthenticated.

The latest COMELEC issuance reads in part as follows:

   “f) Thereafter, the PCOS shall automatically count the votes and immediately display a message "WOULD YOU LIKE TO DIGITALLY SIGN THE TRANSMISSION FILES WITH A BEI SIGNATURE KEY?", with a "YES" or "NO" option;
   “g) Press "NO" option. The PCOS will display "ARE YOU SURE YOU DO NOT WANT TO APPLY A DIGITAL SIGNATURE?" with a "YES" and "NO" option;
   “h) Press "YES" option...”
Thus, for the elections this year, the COMELEC will purposely, knowingly and deliberately repeat its gross violation of the automated election law, by disabling once again the critical safeguard of digital signatures, otherwise intended to authenticate all electronic election returns to be canvassed under the automated election system.


During the May 2010 elections, the COMELEC disabled the built-in ultra violet lamps and ordered their replacement with hand held or portable lamps[iv]. However, no general instructions were issued to the BEI to guide them how to use either the built in or hand held lamp. In the end, no lamp whatsoever was used to detect and reject fake ballots inserted into the PCOS machines.

For the May 2013 elections, the COMELEC has not issued until today any general instructions on the use of either the built-in lamp or hand held equivalent to provide for ballot verification. Thus, it is apparent that COMELEC will again disable or otherwise disregard the use of any ultra violet lamp for the elections this year.


During the May 2010 elections, the COMELEC disabled the vote verification function of the PCOS machines that would have shown actual votes scanned and read. Instead, the PCOS machines merely displayed the presumptive lines: “Congratulations. Your vote has been registered.”[v]

In fact, these lines confirmed only that the voting process was finished, but not necessarily that the votes were actually read and recorded, because the actual votes were NEVER displayed.

For the May 2013 elections, the COMELEC has again disabled the vote verification function of the PCOS machines. Instead of displaying the actual votes scanned and read, the machines will again display the presumptive lines: “Congratulations. Your vote has been registered.” [vi]

Thus, for the elections this year, the COMELEC will again deny the voters the vote verification function, that would otherwise provide them with a presumptive assurance that their votes will in fact be read and recorded.


During the May 2010 elections, the COMELEC ordered that the precincts of audit be selected and disclosed at least six (6) hours before the close of the polls. This rendered the RMA highly questionable if not utterly useless, because it diluted the intended lack of predictability of the audit.

For the May 2013 elections, the COMELEC further aggravated the lack of the critical element of randomness, by ordering the selection and disclosure of the subject precincts, at least 4 days and 2 days respectively, before the close of the polls. There is now a total lack of randomness in the audit, because the selection of the subject precincts is not only predictable, but in fact pre-selected and disclosed days in advance of the elections.

May 2010 elections
May 2013 elections
Comelec Resolution No. 8837, 30 April 2010

a) Random selection of the clustered polling precincts to be audited will be done at the Philippine International Convention Center on May 10, 2010 starting at 12:00 noon by the TWG-RMA...
c) Guests may be invited to draw the clustered polling precincts from the tambiolo. The selection of the clustered polling precinct will be open to the media, political parties and other election stakeholders to ensure speedy dissemination of information and for transparency.
d) The TWG-RMA shall inform all concerned PES having jurisdiction over the clustered polling precincts randomly selected for the RMA.

Comelec Resolution No. 9595, 12 December 2012

S E C T I O N 5 .   Selection Process of Areas to be Audited -         

a) Random selection of the clustered precincts to be audited will be done not later than four (4) days prior to the day of the Elections by the RMA Committee.

a.1. Four (4) days before the day of the Elections, the List of Municipalities involved in RMA shall be released; and

a.2.    The List of Specific Clustered Precincts that will undergo RMA shall be disclosed two (2) days prior to the day of the Elections...

c) The selection of the clustered precinct will be open to the Media, Political Parties and other election stakeholders to ensure speedy dissemination of information and for transparency.

d) The RMA Committee shall inform all concerned Coordinators having jurisdiction over the clustered precincts randomly selected for the RZMA.

                      RESOLUTION NO. 8786
                                 March 4, 2010
            Section 40. Counting of ballots and transmission of results; Procedure. (Renumbered) (As Revised)
    a) At the end of voting and before the start of counting of votes, the Chairman shall place the iButton security key on top of the iButton security key receptacle and apply slight pressure thereon. Remove the iButton security key from its receptacle, after which the PCOS will display the Main Menu;
    b) Press the "CLOSE VOTING" option in the Main Menu;
    c) The screen will display a message "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CLOSE VOTING? NO MORE BALLOTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS." Select "YES" option;
    d) The PCOS will request for the PIN of the poll clerk who will then enter his PIN and press "ENTER". The PCOS will validate the PIN and displays a message "PIN ACCEPTED". The PCOS will request for the second PIN from the third member who will then enter his PIN and press "ENTER". The PCOS will validate the PIN and displays a message "PIN ACCEPTED".
    e) The screen will display a message "POLL IS BEING CLOSED PLEASE WAIT" followed by another message "VOTING HAS BEEN CLOSED NO MORE BALLOTS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THIS PCOS";
    f) Thereafter, the PCOS shall automatically count the votes and immediately display a message "WOULD YOU LIKE TO DIGITALLY SIGN THE TRANSMISSION FILES WITH A BEI SIGNATURE KEY?", with a "YES" or "NO" option;
    g) Press "NO" option. The PCOS will display "ARE YOU SURE YOU DO NOT WANT TO APPLY A DIGITAL SIGNATURE?" with a "YES" and "NO" option;
    h) Press "YES" option. A message shall be displayed "PRINTING 8 COPIES OF NATIONAL RETURNS. PLEASE WAIT";
    i) A message shall be displayed "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRINT MORE COPIES OF THIS REPORT" with a "YES and "NO" options. Press "NO" option;
    j) Thereafter, the PCOS will display "PRINTING 8 COPIES OF LOCAL RETURNS. PLEASE WAIT…" and the PCOS automatically prints the 8 copies;
    k) A message shall be displayed "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRINT MORE COPIES OF THIS REPORT" with a "YES" and "NO" options. Press "NO" option;
    l) Detach the 8 copies of the ERs. After which, members of the BEI shall affix their signatures and thumb marks thereon;
    m) The BEI shall ask the watchers present to affix their signatures on the printed ERs;
    n) Place each copy of ER in its corresponding envelope and seal with a paper seal;
    o) The chairman of the BEI shall publicly announce the total number of votes received by each candidate, stating their corresponding offices;
    p) The poll clerk shall announce the posting of a copy of the ER both for national and local positions on a wall within the premises of the polling place/counting center which must be sufficiently lighted and accessible to the public, and proceed to post such copies;
    q) After forty-eight (48) hours following the posting, the chairman of the BEI shall detach the posted printed copy on the wall and keep the same in his custody to be produced as may be requested by any voter for image or data capturing or for any lawful purpose as may be ordered by competent authority;
    s) Connect the transmission medium to the PCOS and press the "OK" button;
    t) The PCOS will display a message "DETECTING MODEM";
    u) If the modem is properly connected, the PCOS will display the message "MODEM DETECTED";
    v) If checking of modem fails, the PCOS will display the message "MODEM NOT DETECTED" followed by the message "TRANSMISSION CABLE NOT CONNECTED. RETRY?" with "YES" and "NO" options. Check the connection of the transmission medium to the PCOS and if it is properly set up, press the "YES" button;
    w) If after three (3) attempts, the transmission medium still fails, call the Support Technician.
    x) The PCOS will display the following messages in succession:
    iv. TRANSMITTING FILE [1/1] TO " with percentage of completion
    y) Wait until the message "ELECTION REPORT SUCCESSFULLY TRANSMITTED TO " is displayed;
    The same message will appear when transmitting to central server and KBP-Parties-Citizen server.
    z) After successful transmission to MBOC, KBP-Parties-Citizens and Central Server, the PCOS will display a message "ALL ELECTION REPORTS HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TRANSMITTED TO 3/3 LOCATIONS. PLEASE DISCONNECT TRANSMISSION CABLE";
    aa) Disconnect the transmission medium. The PCOS will display a message "PRINTING TRANSMISSION REPORT. PLEASE WAIT…" Followed by a message "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRINT MORE COPIES OF THIS REPORT" with "YES" and "NO" options. Press "NO" option;
    cc) Replace thermal printer paper roll and press "OK" button;
    dd) The PCOS shall display the message "PRINTING 22 COPIES OF NATIONAL RETURNS. PLEASE WAIT" followed by the message "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRINT MORE COPIES OF THIS REPORT?" with a "YES" and "NO" option. Press "NO" option;
    ee) The PCOS display the message "PRINTING 22 COPIES OF LOCAL RETURNS. PLEASE WAIT" followed by the message "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRINT MORE COPIES OF THIS REPORT?" with a "YES" and "NO" option. Detach the printed 22 copies of Local Returns and press "NO" option;
    ff) The PCOS shall display the message "PRINTING STATISTICAL REPORT PLEASE WAIT" followed by the message "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRINT MORE COPIES OF THIS REPORT?" with a "YES" and "NO" option. Detach the printed Statistical Report and press "NO" option;
    gg) The PCOS shall display the message "PRINTING AUDIT LOG REPORT PLEASE WAIT" followed by the message "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRINT MORE COPIES OF THIS REPORT?" with a "YES" and "NO" option. Detach the printed Audit Log Report and press "NO" option;
    The Statistical Report, Transmission Report and Audit Log report shall be placed in the envelope (A18-A) where the Initialization Report was placed;
    hh) The PCOS shall automatically create back-up of files;
    ii) After printing the remaining 22 copies of ER, the members of the BEI shall affix their signatures and thumb marks on the 22 printed ERs and ask the watchers present to affix their signatures on the printed election returns;
    jj) If failure of transmission occurs in any of the target servers (City/Municipal, KBP-parties-citizens arm server, or central server), the PCOS will print Transmission Report.
    kk) The PCOS will display a message "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRINT MORE COPIES OF THIS REPORT" with "YES" and "NO" option. Press "NO" option;
    ll) The PCOS will display the Main Menu;
    mm) The certified IT-capable member of the BEI shall re-transmit the results to the target server by doing the following:
    i. Press "RE-TRANSMIT RESULTS" option located in the Main Menu. List of target servers will be displayed;
    ii. Press the target server to transmit;
    iii. Wait until the transmission is successful. If after three (3) attempts, the transmission medium still fails, call the Support Technician;
    iv. Repeat Steps i to iii, if there are more than one (1) target servers, where there are transmission failure.
    nn) Print the remaining 22 copies of ER and other reports by doing the following:
    i. Select "PRINT REPORTS" from the Main Menu;
    iii. List of reports will de displayed. Press the report that you would like to print;
    iv. The PCOS will display "PLEASE ENTER THE NUMBER OF COPIES TO PRINT" with a numeric keypad;
    v. Press the desired number of copies (For ERs, pres 22, for statistics report and audit log, press 1);
    vi. Press "ENTER" button. The PCOS will automatically print the number of copies desired for the report selected;
    vii. The PCOS will display a message "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRINT MORE COPIES OF THIS REPORT" with "YES" and "NO" option. Press "NO" option. The PCOS will display the main menu;
    viii. Print 22 copies of ER for local, Statistical Report and Audit Log Report by following steps (nn) (i) and (ii);
    oo) Create backup of files by following the steps below:
    i. From the Main Menu, press "BACK-UP AND PROTECT" option;
    ii. The PCOS will display a message "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO BACK-UP CARD" with "YES" and "NO" options. Select "YES" option;
    iii. The PCOS will display a message "BACKING UP ELECTION DATA. PLEASE WAIT…" Wait until the message "BACK-UP SUCCESSFUL" is displayed;
    iv. The PCOS will display a message "WRITE PROTECTING RESULTS PLEASE WAIT…" Wait until the message "WRITE PROTECT SUCCESSFUL" The PCOS will automatically return to Main Menu.
    pp) Unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the BEI shall not stop or postpone the counting until it has been completed;
    qq) In case a PCOS fails to count the vote or transmit/print the results, the Operator shall announce the error and undertake the necessary corrective measures. Should the Operator be unable to correct the error, he shall call on the Technical Support personnel assigned to the Voting Center for assistance. Such fact shall be noted in Minutes.

[ii]     Rep. Act No. 9369, Sec. 19. Section 18 of Republic Act No. 8436 is hereby amended to read as follows:
                SEC. 22. Electronic Returns... "The election returns transmitted electronically and digitally signed shall be considered as official election results and shall be used as the basis for the canvassing of votes and the proclamation of a candidate." (emphasis supplied)

[iii]    Comelec Resolution No. 9640, General Instructions for the Board of Election Inspectors (BEI), on the Testing and Sealing, Voting, Counting and Transmission of Results in Connection with the May 13, 2013 National and Local Elections, 15 February 2013, Sec. 51(f), (g) and (h).

[iv]    Comelec Invitation to Bid, Portable UV Lamps, April 2010.

[v]     Comelec Resolution No. 8786, Sec. 36(b).

[vi]    Comelec Resolution No. 9640, Sec. 47(a)(ii).